
Sports are a huge part of the life of a Levin North School Student!

As a school, we offer a range of sports throughout the year:
TERM 1: Twilight Hockey & Cricket
TERM 2: Waterpolo, Netball, Basketball, Winter Hockey & Rippa Rugby
TERM 3: Netball, Winter Hockey & Tackle Rugby
TERM 4: Waterpolo, Touch, Twilight Football & Softball

We compete in interschool events during the year as well:
TERM 1: Swimming Sports
TERM 2: Cross Country
TERM 4: Athletics

We also have the opportunity to engage in Ki-o-Rahi, Golf, Badminton, Boxing, Volleyball and of course Skateboarding (where students can bring in wheels any day of the week with ramps out on a Tuesday and Thursday - weather dependant).

We are very lucky to have a dedicated Sports Coordinator in Anna who finds ways to have our ākonga engaged in so many ways!

We are always looking for coaches/managers to help out so please sing out if you can help in any way!